The Year 2020 has come to its final month December now and We All know it was kind of roller coaster for everyone. Many BIG things happened this year which none of us would have imagined when we were all celebrating Happy New Year 2020 earlier this year.
Even when we all know this year brought us many hazardous things (The Pandemic for example), many people found their happiness too. Overall this year was big and was filled with big events where most of them were not really pleasing.
So what have we learned from this? Are we in a better place now? Do we keep the courage to overcome any problem in future? Yes, we humans can adapt to new challenges and environment if we have to.
While so many people suffered from the world level problems this year, many of us were safe or I can say, we kept ourselves safe. While many people experienced the hazards, others helped them either physically or emotionally.
This year really taught us, how to be together even when we are not together in crucial times of our lives. This year was not an “only me” year, this year taught us how to be “Us”.
We learned to have fear and how to overcome that fear. This year taught us to have faith not only on ourselves as well as on others.
The Inner Shifts We All Experienced
Even though this year was mostly about everyone as a whole, we still had a time when we had to look within ourselves. We got lot of time with ourselves and with loved ones. Many of us were alone this year (not voluntarily of course) but it was an opportunity for us to look at life from a different perspective. What is important and what is not.
This year gave us a reason to look into things differently. Is the life we are living making us truly happy? What is happiness to us? Many people realized that the normal life they are living was not the type of life they were truly happy with. So they tried to find a different way to live. They found or are in the process of finding the “Good way” to live.
We realized who is important and who is not, as well. How we were wasting our time and efforts on wrong people either in relationships or friendships. And we realized, we don’t really need so many people around to be happy while some realized the value of loved ones more than before.
We got to know where do we really need to put efforts in life which is changing ourselves before others. Since we learned to fight from ourselves this year. No matter how scared and in bad mental condition we were, we learned to get over this.
Though we have not become the best versions of ourselves but we definitely learned a lot.
We Got Courage To Free Ourselves
No matter how much we wanted, we could never have the courage to get freedom from old lifestyle that we never liked but it was somehow comfortable because nobody likes to take risk. But this year, many of us got that courage. We don’t know the reason how. But I am glad we did.
Either it was an old job or relationship which we didn’t like but we were in it because it gave us security and stability. That is something called comfort zone, leaving which is really difficult. This year being alone and carefree with ourselves gave us the courage to take charge of our lives. Because if we can survive this year, we can survive anything.
Less Is More
One more thing we all realized that we don’t have to have too much to be happy this year. Only the necessary things and people in life can be more than sufficient to be happy.
I am sure the people working from home would have understood. How much less they had to spend this year because they didn’t do anything unnecessary to entertain themselves.
Yes, it did a lot of damages to businesses but people needed to realize it sooner or later and this will become a new normal for all. And businesses are also adapting according to that.
This year was not easy for anyone. We all suffered with different problems together and I hope things will get easier with time. I felt like this year was teaching us lessons which we could not learn otherwise. I am not saying whatever happened was nothing but we can always look at the bright side of this and move forward in life.
So I hope the end of the year goes well for you and your loved ones. Thankyou!