We all have dreams and goals but not all of us reach them. Many of us don’t even consider them as a possibility in the future, some of us consider but give up due to the circumstances. Few of us believe in our dreams but not in ourselves and don’t give our hundred percent to it. But there are some rare personalities who we call successful people who not only believe in themselves, but also put every possible effort into the process. And in no time, we see them breaking all the barriers towards their dreams. Now THATs WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT….. Self Discipline.
Self discipline is one of the most important thing you must master in to achieve any goals in your life. It is not easy to do but it should not be ignored too. You cannot achieve your goals if you are not willing to put your hard work on it. This is the one and only way and you can never be a failure again. So I’ll help you understand how self-discipline helps you achieve your goals and I hope you won’t be scared of this word anymore but be motivated.
Vision board is your goals board. You put your list of goals you want to achieve on a board to continuously remind you what you have in your plate and what are things you need to do. First thing – GET UP FROM YOUR BED/COUCH.
So be sure to get motivated by it.
You might have heard of “comfort zone” many times. It means living with your old habits which are not serving you any purpose but you are so used to live like that. It all starts from your mentality. Remembering your past failures, heartbreaks and many other things. Your mind starts to use all those thoughts as an excuse for not being active and it only pushes you towards unproductive zone.
The first step towards being self disciplined is to break that thinking pattern. You should tell yourself, your life can not be the same all the time. You are a soul which has to grow with time. So whatever happened in past wouldn’t happen again. Give your best now. So what if it doesn’t work out, you don’t have anything to lose anyway and if you succeed, you will have something you wanted. So it’s a win-win situation for you.
So here’s a thing you can do. Make a list of activities you do in a day. Tag each of them as “Good/Healthy” and “unhealthy”. Now cancel all the activities which are unhealthy and put a reminder in your mind to not do those again. Now take those Healthy activities, are they sufficient to achieve your goals? I am not they’re not yet. So add other daily activities which will help you reach your goal. Now take that list of “unhealthy” and “healthy” activities and put somewhere you can easily see. That will remind you what to not do and what to do.
Do this every day to track your unhealthy habits which you are doing without planning. This will help you check out those habits from your daily activities. Keep doing the healthy activities and keep adding more if required.
As I have talk about comfort zone earlier. Many people call themselves “Lazy” to be in their comfort zone. Trust me, I used to do that too. Calling yourself Lazy gives your brain a sense of relaxation that it’s okay. Your body is lazy that’s you can’t do this. It’s not fault and Blah! STOP THAT. Your body is very much capable of doing pretty much anything. And Lazy is not a body malfunction. You got my point here right.
As you have already made a list of things you have to do for a day. Prioritize them and give each of them a time slot. Make sure you start that activity in that time otherwise your food will not digest for today, haha… I am kidding. But seriously, you have to make sure you do any task you have decided to do in that specific time frame. To help yourself in that, keep everything that can distract you from your task like your smart phone little far from you so it is not reachable until you get up from your place.
Try to focus only on one thing at a time. Remember, thinking about multiple things at a time will not help you in anything. So consider your current task as final task until it is finished. Then think about the next one. So your mind can be relaxed and focused only on one task at a time.
Even if your goals don’t have anything to do with your physical build or appearance, being physically active makes your brain active. I work out every day for 20 minutes and it helps me be not only physically active but mentally active as well. And it helps be being more productive and I feel so confident in myself. I would recommend you to do any physical exercise (I do Pilates and yoga) for at least 15 minutes every day and you will feel the difference in yourself after few days.
There are so many things I can write about but if you will keep reading, when will you start your work. Then I will be wasting your time as well right. I hope you found this article helpful and I hope you feel motivated every day. THANKYOU!